1Block MoverBlock Mover 2Giddy UpGiddy Up 3Moving CargoMoving Cargo 4Hex Bot WalkingHex Bot Walking 5Eyes to the SkyEyes to the Sky 6AT-ST in the RoomAT-ST in the Room 7Standing TallStanding Tall 8Black and SilverBlack and Silver 9R5 Series Astromech Droid in BlackR5 Series Astromech Droid in Black 10Quadcopter Drone Minus the Rotating BladesQuadcopter Drone Minus the Rotating Blades 11Star FallStar Fall 12APQ-56 Recorder With CameraAPQ-56 Recorder With Camera 13SoundcraftingSoundcrafting 14Wires and KnobsWires and Knobs 153D Printed Body3D Printed Body 16First Launch of His RocketFirst Launch of His Rocket 17Labelling the Johnson RocketLabelling the Johnson Rocket 18Armed and ControlledArmed and Controlled 19Bomb Disposal BotBomb Disposal Bot 20Light and CameraLight and Camera 21It is ElectricIt is Electric22Well Worn ShipWell Worn Ship23Ship ChampionShip Champion24Barrels DownBarrels Down25Eyes Ears HandsEyes Ears Hands26Centipede RobotCentipede Robot27Red LipsRed Lips28LEGOphantLEGOphant29Hand Powered BotsHand Powered Bots30Messy EaterMessy Eater31Powered SkullPowered Skull32Silver SkullSilver Skull33Steampunk R5 UnitSteampunk R5 Unit34Powered By Fake SteamPowered By Fake Steam35Smiles All AroundSmiles All Around36Low ClowLow Clow PrevExitZoomThumbnailsHide thumbsInfoHide infoPlayFullscrNormalNext 20172014