General Armistead From the Rear  General Armistead From the RearNEW Two Trees and a Flag  Two Trees and a FlagNEW Muzzle in a Safe Direction  Muzzle in a Safe DirectionNEW Men With Pikes  Men With PikesNEW
Mustering  MusteringNEW Don't Give Up the Ship  Don't Give Up the ShipNEW Period Drummers on the March  Period Drummers on the MarchNEW Ladies Waiting  Ladies WaitingNEW
Hauling the Artillery  Hauling the ArtilleryNEW In Unison  In UnisonNEW Bearing the Flag for Free Trade and Sailors Rights  Bearing the Flag for Free Trade and Sailors RightsNEW Baton Held  Baton HeldNEW
Worming the Cannon  Worming the CannonNEW Positioning the Piece  Positioning the PieceNEW Lit Fuse  Lit FuseNEW Navy Band Marching In  Navy Band Marching InNEW
Trombones  TrombonesNEW Sousaphones Playing Together  Sousaphones Playing TogetherNEW Stepping  SteppingNEW A Large Hat  A Large HatNEW
Trombones Rear  Trombones RearNEW Escorting the Officer  Escorting the OfficerNEW Salutes  SalutesNEW Saying a Few Words  Saying a Few WordsNEW
Leading Them Out  Leading Them OutNEW Fife and Drum Closing Out  Fife and Drum Closing OutNEW Readying the Sponge  Readying the SpongeNEW Making a Speech  Making a SpeechNEW
Sharing a Laugh  Sharing a LaughNEW Heaving To  Heaving ToNEW Big Boom, Smoke Plume  Big Boom, Smoke PlumeNEW